Since 1979

"A history written, with a long way to go."
CUMSA was founded in 1979, when Mr. Alberto Navarra, decided to unite the knowledge acquired by a small group of Spanish moldmakers, in a single company. The objective was to reach new markets such as Mexico, Denmark, USA,... that were not possible separately. The aim was to develop projects from the initial stages of design to the production of the plastic part.
Taking advantage of the experience acquired during more than 20 years, and the knowledge of the daily problems that molders and injectors had to face, in 1992 CUMSA's management decided to give a twist to the main activity of the company. A line of innovative standardized products for molds was created, offering the market many advantages! Since then many of the products developed have been a reference for the mold industry due to their simplicity and functionality as well as their ease of installation and adjustment.
In 1998 the first branch in Marinha Grande (Portugal), Eurocumsa, was founded to supply more quickly one of the largest concentrations of mold makers in the world. In the 21st century, CUMSA continued its expansion with 3 new branches:
- CUMSA Italy, in 2004 (currently located in Bovisio Masciago, near Milan).
- CUMSA Standard Parts for Molds, in 2009 (located in Shenzen)
- CUMSA Usa, in 2012 (located in Detroit - USA).
At the end of 2017, CUMSA TECH is created in Portugal with the aim of manufacturing the new line of hydraulic cylinders that will offer molders and injectors more and better possibilities for the application of these products in molds.
And we continue to write our history...