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我们建议在150°C / 302°F.下工作,超过该温度时,钢开始扩张,因此对空气顶出引入的方法将失去效率。如果是这样,塑料材料会变形和空气顶出会被损坏。
10Bars (145 psi).
Can I remove the valve from the tool?
Yes, on our catalogo page we indicate the size of the hole (E dimension) to be made before installing, the valve can then be removed using the appropiate ejector.
On the smaller diametres (5 & 6) extra care needs to be taken to remove the part slowly, knocking softly to avoid damage to the internal mechanisms.
On the smaller diametres (5 & 6) extra care needs to be taken to remove the part slowly, knocking softly to avoid damage to the internal mechanisms.
Is there any limitation on the position of the valves in the mold?
The valve should not be installed below the injection point. In that position the high temperatures and pressure could negatively influence the valve components and decrease their lifetime.