Jedná se o jednoduchou a široce využitelnou jednotku, jejíž instalace i prístup k ní vyžadují jen minimum prostoru.
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- RCM163808: 78.45 N / 8Kg (17.63lb)
- RCM204810: 137.28N / 14Kg (30.83lb)
- RCM245712: 176.51N / 18Kg (39.64lb)
Does the part have different hardness in different sections?
Yes, the part as a whole has 45 ± 2 HRC, but on the friction area, it is induction hardened up to 58 ±2 HRC to avoid wear.
Can more than one piece be applied in a cam slide?
What is the maximum working temperature of the RCM’s?
The maximum working temperature is 150°C (302°F).
Are there any important application details?
No, the RCM doesn´t need any mechanical stopper (as our RC), it already incorporates the mechanical stopper itself.
What are the rollers on the dowel for?
They will reduce the friction wear on the part.
What is lifetime of the parts?
Tests made in optimal conditions have reached 2.000.000 shots.
What is the maximum misalignment the part can withstand, between the part and the pin?
It is 0.20mm (0.0078")
How much load is necessary to release the pin from the RC’s?
Can an RC or RCM be used as a plate retainer instead of an RM?
Yes, both units can make the plate retainer function.