Obsahuje predpripravený otvor pro úhlový cep a patu pro serízení; jak je zobrazeno u Standardní paty pro serízení jednotky (CR).
Dva vnejší šrouby tlací patu proti posuvnému jádru, címž fixují posuvnou jednotku, zatímco stredový šroub ji upíná v príslušné poloze.
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Dva vnejší šrouby tlací patu proti posuvnému jádru, címž fixují posuvnou jednotku, zatímco stredový šroub ji upíná v príslušné poloze.
- CG603035 – 180.000N / 18.356 Kg (40.419lb)
- CG604035 – 320.000N / 36.712 Kg (80.839lb)
- CG754049 – 320.000N / 36.712 Kg (80.839lb)
- CG604075 – 480.000N / 48.950 Kg (107.787lb)
- GI010075 – 12mm (0.472”)
- GI010090 – 15mm (0.590”)
- GI010105 – 18mm (0.708”)
Is only one lateral guide on the cam enough?
Yes, as the base will align with the cam slide perfectly, the guide is only to keep the cam slide in position.
What is the slide retainer made of?
It is a magnetic disc with a stopper that will hold the cam slide in position when the indent made by the customer on the cam slide aligns with it.
What load can the adjustable heel support?
How much can I adjust the heel?
Maximum 1.00mm (0.039”)
What stroke is achievable with the Heel Unit?
It depends on the angle pin that is used:
Where can I find the angle pins for this set?
On the GI catalogue page.