Compt. Cicles Alta Velocitat


Compt. Cicles Alta Velocitat


  • 500 Cicles/Min.
Incorpora un circuit electrònic que controla el nombre de cicles que realitza el motlle.
Permet controlar la producció total d’un motlle, donant control sobre el motlle quan es subcontracta.
Disponible amb un botó de reset parcial.
Cada c omptador té un número de sèrie únic per oferir una garantia al motllista i ajudar a l'injectador a realitzar el pla de manteniment. La manipulació incorrecta del sistema queda reflectida a la pantalla.
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Detalls del producte
    What is the maximum working temperature for the Cycle Counter?
    We recommend the Cycle Counter be placed at zones under 60 °C (140°F).

    How long does the Cycle Counter battery last?
    The Counter is expected to last 3 to 5 years, if it worked 24h/7d/12m. A very hot environment can reduce the lifetime of the batteries.

    How long does the Cycle Counter battery last if it is not in the mold?
    The Counter battery starts working when it is installed in the mold.

    How is it possible to remove the Cycle Counter from the mold, if needed?
    When the Counter is removed from its placement, a capital "E" (error) is shown on the screen, which you cannot delete. This mechanism only activates after the first 25 consecutive shots.
    In case you want to know the injected pieces during mold testing, you can install the Counter and remove it with tape before the 25th shot, then the Counter will go back to 0.

    Is it possible to re-use the counter once extracted from the mold?
    If the counter is extracted from the mold after the 25th cycle, an error "E" appears on the display. But in spite of this, the counters with letters "E" on the display, continue counting when inserted in the mold, but the letter indicates that the counter has been tampered. If an “F” appears on the display, it means that the cycle counter has been in touch with a magnetic field.

    Up to how many cycles can the CC count?
    As it has 7 numbers, it can count up to 9.999.999 parts.

    Hi ha manual d'instruccions dels Comptadors de Cicles?
    SI!. Consulti'l aqui.

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